Friday, May 20, 2016


Ist Instar
When newly hatched are white in colour but turn black in 1-2 hours, median line continued along the pronotum and abdomen, length 7-12 mm, antennal joint 13, eye stripe- one.
IInd Instar
Pale colour or black and white pattern is more obvious and the head is much larger than the first instar. length 13-18 mm, antennal joints 19, eye stripes-two.
IIIrd instar
Easily recognized by two pairs of wing buds which can be seen projecting on each side of thorax (neck), the abdomen pale yellow(sometimes pinkish)with black dots, length 19-25 mm, antennal joints 21, eye stripes three.
IVth instar
Colour is conspicuously black and yellow, wing pads become bigger and turned dorsally and are still shorter then the length of the pronotum at the median line, the hind pairs of wings cover the front wings, length 26-35 mm, antennal joints 23, eye stripes- four.
Vth instar
Colour is bright yellow with black pattern varying according to temperature (more extensive at lower temperatures), the wing pads larger than pronotum, length 36-45 mm, antennal joints 25, eye stripes- five.
Called ‘Fledglings’ have fully developed wingsfore wings covers the hind wings, body pink when immature and yellow when mature, length males 60-75 mm, females 70-90 mm antennal joints 26, eye stripes- six.

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